Reverse Direction Race This Week!

One of the big favourites of the Avantiplus Cycology Summer Series, the reverse direction round. A rare opportunity to ride our track backwards, so totally different with some interesting challenges. We ask that you DO NOT try to practice, as it creates a safety problem for everyone using the track

We’re not joking! – Pukete Spaghetti – April 1st 2017

Yep, That’s right.. It’s not a joke – put a ring around April 1st on your calendar for Pukete Spaghetti 2017. Our club’s annual endurance race returns again this year, same format, different date. We’ve done our best to avoid clashes with other events going on around, and believe us – it’s almost impossible NOT to […]

Racing Resumes January 25th

Back Into It! Well, we hope you haven’t enjoyed your summer break TOO much, Wednesday Jan 25th sees the resumption of our Avantiplus Cycology Summer Series We’ve got another 7 races to goto see out the season, and a couple of the race classes are still anyones for the taking. Please remember to ensure you […]