Avantiplus Cycology Summer Series Race #4: Figure 8

Wednesday is almost upon us and that means yet more racing in the Avantiplus Cycology Summer Series !!  As is tradition during the series we like to mix things up a little with ‘reverse direction’ or ‘endurance’ and for race #4 this week we will be offering up a ‘figure 8’ format which proved to […]

Give a Little….

The Club is seeking to raise funds to buy a HeartstarterFrx AED/Defibrillator from the St. John Ambulance Service that we can have on site during our races and events.  Having lost one of our Club Members during a race last year due to heart related issues having an AED on-site would give us that extra […]

Working Bee !!

WORKING BEE !! We are holding another working bee and track maintenance evening on Monday 6th November. Meet at 5pm near the containers or join us later on the track where the team will be at various points. If you can make it the track team will provide details of the work required at the […]

Avantiplus Cycology Summer Series – Racing kicks off THIS WEEK!

Oh yes! It’s RACE TIME!  It’s looking to be an awesome Wednesday evening this week for the first of 14 weeks of MTB racing!  More info here https://www.hamiltonmtb.org.nz/racing-and-results/avantiplus-cycology-summer-race-series/  Registration will be busy, so please get there early, we want to get racing under way on time! 

Reminder ! Summer Series Rego Night

Just a wee reminder we have the first of our Summer Series registration evenings on Wednesday 18th October from around 5.30pm.  Come along to avoid the rush on the first race night in a couple of weeks, meet some of our committee members, and go for a ride !!  If you do come down please […]