Summer Series Race 12

Hamilton MTB Club Pukete MTB Track, Hamilton, New Zealand

Summer Series Race 13

Hamilton MTB Club Pukete MTB Track, Hamilton, New Zealand

Summer Series Race 14

Hamilton MTB Club Pukete MTB Track, Hamilton, New Zealand

Club Champs

Hamilton MTB Club Pukete MTB Track, Hamilton, New Zealand

Pukete Spaghetti 2020

Hamilton MTB Club Pukete MTB Track, Hamilton, New Zealand

Entries and details available soon

Prize Giving – Summer Series & Club Champs 2020 – Thur 2nd July 6pm

AvantiPlus Cycology, The Base, Te Rapa AvantiPlus Cycology, The Base, Te Rapa, Hamilton, New Zealand

Finally we can go ahead with our annual prize giving, this will be held at the MY RIDE CYCOLOGY store at the Base. Presentation will start at 6pm, refreshments provided. Bring your pennies and treat yourself to some bike goodies, you and your bike deserve it!! See you there

Mystery ride 3 – Wednesday 5th August

Mitre 10- The Base

Mystery Ride Time - Meet at 6.30pm, we will leave at 6.45pm Where - - Mitre 10 at The Base Distance - Approx 28km Pace - slow to moderate 40% road / 40% bike paths / 20% gravel - off road Ride Leader - Carl Bring Lights with enough battery power, drink, snacks - and […]


pukete road 313 Pukete road, Hamilton, New Zealand


Hamilton Mountain Bike Club- AGM

Sport Waikato 51 Akoranga Road, Avalon, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand

Please come and join us - help out on the committee, have your say in the direction of the club, where we spend the $$$, how we generate the $$$. This is the one time of the year where you can come and join the committee, we have a couple of members standing down this […]
